Petroleum is also dubbed as the black gold, is a thick liquid, dark brown or greenish flammable, which is in the upper layers of the few areas in the earth's crust. Petroleum consists of a complex mixture of different hydrocarbons, the majority of the alkane series, but vary in appearance, composition, and purity. Oil extracted from oil wells in the oil mines. Location of the wells is obtained after going through the process of geological studies, sediment analysis, and the structure of the source code, and various studies lainnya.Setelah, the Earth will be processed in oil refineries where oil and split the results based on the boiling point to produce a wide range of fuels, from gasoline and kerosene to asphalt and other chemical reagents needed to make plastics and pesticides obatan.Minyak Earth used to produce a wide range of goods and material human needs.
Petroleum Establishment
The process of petroleum formation is described by two theories, namely:
Inorganic Theory
Inorganic theory proposed by Berthelok (1866) which states that petroleum derived and the reaction of calcium carbide, CaC2 (and the reaction between carbonate rocks and alkali metals) and water produces acetylene which can be turned into oil at high temperature and pressure.
Alkali → CaC2 CaCO3 + HO + HC = CH → → Petroleum
Theory of Organic
Organic theory proposed by Engker (1911) which states that petroleum is formed from the weathering and decomposition of anaerobic micro-organisms (microorganisms) from marine plants in porous rocks.
Composition of Petroleum
The composition of petroleum are classified into four groups, namely:
Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)
* Known as alkanes or paraffin
* The presence of straight-chain as the main component (the highest), while the less branched chain
* Compounds authors include:
1. Methane CH4
2. ethane CH3 CH3
3. propane CH3 CH2 CH3
4. butane CH3 (CH2) 2 CH3
5. n-heptane, CH3 (CH2) 5 CH3
6. iso octane CH3 - C (CH 3) 2 CH 2 CH (CH3) 2
Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes)
* Known as alkenes
* Its existence is only slightly
Compounds constituent:
1. Ethene, CH2 CH2
2. Propene, CH 3 CH 2 CH
3. Butene, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH
Cyclic saturated hydrocarbon chain (cycloalkanes)
* Known as cycloalkanes or naftena
* Existence less than alkanes
* Compounds constituent:
3. Cyclopentane
4. Siklopheksana
Aromatic hydrocarbons
* Known as a series of aromatic
* Its existence as a minor component / bit
* Compound formulation:
3. Benzene
4. Toluene
Other Compounds
* Existence is very little
* Compounds that may be present in petroleum is sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and organo metallic (very small)
Petroleum Processing
Crude oil gained from drilling a thick black liquid that utilization should be processed first. Petroleum drilling in Indonesia, located on the north coast of Java (Cepu, Wonokromo, Cirebon), Sumatra (Aceh, Riau), Kalimantan (Tarakan, Balikpapan) and Irian (Papua). Petroleum processing via two stages, including:
First Processing,
At this stage do "distillation separates stratified petroleum fractions based on boiling point. Components of a higher boiling point will remain a liquid and drops down. While a lower boiling point will evaporate and rise to the top through sangkup-sangkup called sangkup bubble.
Secondary treatment,
At this stage a further process refined stratified by the following process:
1. Cracking
2. Extraction
3. Crystallization
4. cleanup of contamination
Gasoline composition of n - heptane and iso-octane, namely:
Substance Gasoline Additive
Tetra Ethyl Leat (TEL)
* The molecular formula Pb (C2H5) 4
* The formula
Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)
* The molecular formula CH 3 OC (CH3) 3Tersier Amil Methyl Ether (TAME)
* The molecular formula CH 3 OC (CH3) 2 C2H5Metir Buthil Tertiary Ether (MTBE)
* The molecular formula CH3 O C (CH3) 3
Other than petroleum as a fuel as well as materials for the chemical industry is important in everyday life. Materials or products made from basic ingredients of oil and gas are called petrochemicals. Petrochemical materials can be classified: plastics, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, pesticides, detergents, solvents, fertilizers, various types of drugs and vitamins.
Petrochemical process generally through three stages, namely:
1. Change the oil and gas into petrochemical ingredients
2. Changing the basic petrochemical materials into intermediate products, and
3. Changing the intermediate products into final products that can be utilized.
Almost all petrochemical products derived from the three basic types of materials, namely:
1. Olefin (alkene-alkene)
Olefin is the most important ethene (etilina), propene (propylene), butene (butylene) and butadiene.
CH2 = CH2 CH2 = CH - CH3
Ethylene propylene
CH3 - CH = CH - CH3 CH2 = CH - CH = CH2
Butylene butadiene
2. Aromatic (benzene and its derivatives)
Aromatic most important is benzene (C6H6), totuena (C6H5CH3) and xylene (C6H4 (CH3) 2
3. Synthesis Gas
Synthetic gas called syn-gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). Syn-gas made from natural gas or LPG reaction through a process called reforming or partial oxidation stean.
Stean reforming reaction: CH4 (g) + H2O → CO (g) + 3H2 (g)
Partial oxidation reaction: 2CH4 (g) + O2 → 2CO (g) + 4H2 (g)
Petrochemicals from Olefins
Here are some of the petrochemical ethylene olefin with basic ingredients:
1. Polyethylene
Polyethylene is the most widely produced plastic are used as plastic bags and plastic wrappers / trash.
2. PVC
PVC is a plastic that is polivinilkiorida pipe makers (pralon).
3. Ethanol
Ethanol is an everyday material we know as the alcohol used for fuel or among other products.
Alcohol is made from ethylene:
CH2 = CH2 + H2O → CH3 - CH2OH
4. Ethylene glycol or glycols
Glycol is used as an antifreeze in a car radiator in cold climates.
Here are some of the petrochemical olefins with propylene base material.
5. Polypropylene
Polypropylene plastic is stronger than polyethylene. Type of polypropylene plastic used for plastic bags and a plastic strap.
6. Glycerol
This substance is used as an ingredient in cosmetics (moisturizers), the food industry and the materials to make explosives (nitroglycerine)
7. Isopropyl alcohol
This substance is used as the main material for petrochemical products such as acetone (a solvent, for example, to dissolve Kutek)
Petrochemical manufacturing using basic materials such as butadiene synthetic rubber is SBR (styrene-butadilena-rubber) and nylon -6.6, while those using the basic ingredients are isobutylene MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether)
Petrochemicals from Aromatic
The basic ingredients are the most important aromatics are benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). The basic ingredients are generally converted into styrene benzene, cumene, and cyclohexane
1. Styrene is used to make rubber sinetik
2. Cumene is used to make phenol, then phenol to make the adhesive
3. Cyclohexane is used primarily for making nylon
4. Benzene is used as a raw material for making detergents. The basic ingredients for toluene and xylene to make explosives (TNT), terephthalic acid (fiber fabric).
Petrochemical and gas-sinetik
Sinetik gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Several petrochemical examples of syn-gas as follows:
1. Ammonia (NH3)
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g)
Nitrogen gas from the air and hydrogen gas from the syn-gas. Ammonia is used to make fertilizer [CO (NH2) 2] urea, [(NH4) 2SO4]; ZA and (NH4NO3), ammonium nitrate.
2. Urea [CO (NH2) 2]
CO2 (g) + 2NH3 (g) → NH2COH4 (S)
NH2CONH4 (S) → CO (NH2) 2 (s) + H2O (g)
3. Methanol (CH3OH)
CO (g) + 2H3 (g) → CH3OH (g)
Most of the methanol is converted to formal-dehida and some are used to make fiber and fuel mixtures.
4. Formal dehida (HCHO)
CH3OH (g) → HCHO (g) + H2 (g)
Formal dehida in water known as formalin used to preserve biological preparations.
hi eka i want to ask you please , How to do the refining of petroleum?
BalasHapusi try to answer
HapusTreating is a petroleum refining by removing impurities-impurities. Ways of treating process is as follows:
Copper sweetening and treating doctor, the process of removal of impurities that can cause a bad odor.
Acid treatment, the sludge removal process and improved color.
Dewaxing the wax removal process (n paraffin) with high molecular weight fraction of lubricating oil for lubricating oil menghasillkan with a low pour point.
Deasphalting the removal of asphalt from the fraction used for lubricating oil
Desulfurizing (desulfurization), namely the removal of elemental sulfur.
Hi eka, iam rizki fitria, I wanna ask something about petroleum. In the whole world, mostly the source of petroleum can be found on land or sea?
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusI think more oil is found in the sea because of the large oil drilling will be undertaken in the offshore area.
HapusExcuse me, I want to ask the oil formation process theory known to date there are two major theories, namely the theory of inorganic and organic theory. Inorganic theory is now rarely used in oil and gas exploration. One of the developers of an organic theory are the followers of creationist - or adherents of the principle of creation, it is anti-evolutionary theory :). An-organic theory is also often known abiotic or abiogenic. I ask what the difference between the theory of petroleum pembentukn inorganic with organic theory ???
BalasHapusi try to answer
Hapusdifferent theories of organic and inorganic theory in the formation of petroleum is organic theory says that oil derived from microorganisms or plants that have been long dead organisms millions of years ago and formed a layer in the earth. whereas according to the theory of petroleum formation of inorganic said based on a chemical process